ブエン・カミーノ!~Camino de Santiago一人旅~

Travel journal ~France, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Taiwan-


day29 Ligonde

6:30am departed with an Italian girl Matilda. Talked about our life in own country, differences of education system, Camino experiences, religion, and so on. It was really nice to talk and to know cultural difference. 10km歩いたところで朝…

day28 Ferreiros

7:00am departed Get a coffee to make me up and time to start! Choose a shorter way to get next village. ニコーラと出発したけどすぐに私が先を行き、 スペイン語しか話さないスペイン人と 頑張って会話し、また1人で歩く。 Find an artistic place, e…

day27 Triacastela

7:00 departed. I heard there were two way to get next village, one was going up and down and another was easier. どの道を選ぶべきかわからずとりあえず 近くの人影に話しかけると、 ”道よりまずはコーヒーだ!”君も飲むでしょ?”って イタリアのノリ…